What I expect of the Parents |
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MoM & Me DaY CaRe |
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() WHAT I EXPECT OF PARENTS: I ask that you please take an interest in our DaYCaRe Program and talk to your child about the activities provided here. I have a Dry Errase board at the front door in our Day Care Room, to help keep you informed please check it out daily, watch for NOTES Posted at the bottom with your name as well as Friday Bills! (If you receive text messages, your bills will be sent to you via text to cut down on paper/printing costs) Any & all comments/suggestions are welcome! jamiedawn_65@yahoo.com or find us on FACEBOOK PARENTS will also be expected to: #1 & Most Important ~ RESPECT MY TIME! Provide me with a weekly schedule IF you work/attend school different hours each week AND notify me of any changes in your schedule IMMEDIATELY! SPECIAL NOTE: I do not mind schedule changes or occassionally keeping kids later, taking them earlier, taking them on scheduled days off.....I JUST NEED TO BE NOTIFIED OF ANY AND ALL CHANGES IN YOUR SCHEDULE IMMEDIATELY! If you're scheduled to bring your kids to me OR even say they MIGHT be here, in the event they WON'T be here ~ CALL ME! DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING! I'd rather have an early morning call than no call at all! My husband & sons are up till at least 11 PM most nights - you can leave a message with them if you need to call at night PLUS I do have an answering machine @ the daycare # & on my cell! 2.) RESPECT MY TIME! NO CALL NO SHOW FEE: Like I just said ~ CALL if you can not pick your child up on time OR if your child will be ABSENT! I reserve the right to charge for a FULL Day of Day Care (MINIMUM $10..00 per day) for a NO CALL/NO SHOW FEE each time your child is absent and you do not call and let me know they will not be there ~ ESPECIALLY on days when I've hired a sub/assist to come in & help me! You are allowed ONLY ONE NC/NS! I reserve the right to IMMEDIATELY & PERMANENTLY TERMINATE my services with any one who has more than ONE NC/NS! PLEASE respect my time! 3.) FULFILL YOUR FINANCIAL AGREEMENT: Parents ~ PLEASE Fulfill ALL financial agreements, we have agreed upon. MOST IMPORTANT Pay your bills ON TIME AND IN FULL each week. Daycare payments are my families ONLY income and when you do not pay your bills ~ I CAN NOT PAY MINE! 4.) Send your child appropriately dressed for the weather &/or dress your child in comfy play clothes for outdoor activities (weather permitting) 5.) Provide an extra set of clothing in case of emergencies/accidents *(PLEASE NOTE: I do have an extra supply of clothes in all sizes that your child can borrow if necessary. PLEASE return all borrowed items promptly ~ THANK YOU!) 6.) Come INSIDE EVERYTIME you drop your child off &/OR pick your child up. ALL CHILDREN MUST BE SIGNED IN AND OUT BY THE ADULT DROPPING THEM OFF AND PICKING THEM UP EACH DAY! (You'll find a sign in chart hanging beside the DaYCaRe door) *During the Summer Hours: Don't just take your children from the yard if we are outside playing. I NEED to know times when each child arrives/departs reguardless! 7.) PARENTS, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD CLEANS UP THEIR OWN MESS ~ EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO PITCH IN AND HELP THEM ~ BEFORE TAKING THEM FROM OUR DAY CARE HOME EACH DAY! 8.) KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME IF THEY ARE CONTAGIOUS! PLEASE Keep your child home if they have any type of FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS OR IF THEY HAVE HEAD LICE! 9.) IF THEY ARE NOT CONTAGIOUS I HAVE ROOM FOR THEM WHEN THEY DON'T FEEL WELL ~ If your child just doesn't feel good OR needs to be picked up from school due to sickness (as long as it's NOTHING SERIOUS OR CONTAGIOUS) and no one else is available, they are welcome to stay here until other arrangements can be made. I can care for them and keep them seperate from the other kids ~ as long as they are not contagious it's no problem! It's your call, just make sure they understand they MUST be kept away from the other kids and will need to lie on a cot in the living room. They will NOT be allowed in the Day Care if other kids are present. With the EXCEPTION of Head Lice or Ring Worm! 10) *SPECIAL NOTICE ~ Because I am sometimes responsible for several children at a time, I ask that if your child should ever become ill with something that could be contagious OR contact HEAD LICE, that you keep your child HOME for the time needed to "make them well"! IF you bring your child to my home when they have HEAD LICE and my children &/OR any other child in my care contacts it from them, YOU will be billed for any & ALL expences it takes to totally rid my home and the other children's homes of the Lice! (including BUT not limited to Shampoo and Laundry Detergent) THANK YOU for your cooperation and understanding! 11.) PLEASE ~ label all medicines with your child's 1st name as well as written instructions for giving the medicine, IF I must administer the medication while your child is in my care. 12.) Furnish *diapers, and baby items if necessary ~ which can be left here instead of carried in each day. (PLEASE label all bottles when I have more than one baby). * Anyone not providing diapers will be charged a $5.00 PER WEEK Diaper Fee. 13.) DCFS RULES: (SEE Part 406 Licensing Standards for Daycare Homes - Section 406.14 Health, Medical Care and Safety) The State requires YOU to keep your child's immunizations and medical records up to date for the health and welfare of everyone. I AM REQUIRED TO KEEP A COPY OF THOSE UPDATED RECORDS ON FILE @ ALL TIMES! I reserve the right to terminate my services with anyone who does not keep their child's records up to date and cause me to be "Cited by the State"! 14.) SINCE 2007 - ANYONE who does not keep all health records including physicals, shot records, TB Tests &/or Lead Screenings updated WILL BE CHARGED a $25.00 PER WEEK NON COMPLIANCE FEE! Continued NON COMPLIANCE WILL result in TERMINATION! 15.) VERY, VERY IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE update ALL of your DaYCaRe records EVERYTIME your "Personal Info" changes (EX: NEW Cell Phone #'s, Home Phone #'s, addresses, Change of employer, schedule, pick up info, and/or your child sees a DR. &/or receives shots. Please report ANY changes ASAP!) 16.) Encourage your child NOT to bring toys from home. (This will minumize the chances of them getting lost, broken or mixed up with similar DaYCaRe toys. If your child does bring a toy from home and it causes any sort of disturbance, it will be taken away from them and put up until they leave) We have plenty of toys to go around so there really is no need to bring in more! * EXCEPTION ~ Occassionally when we have THEME Days, your child may bring an item that goes with our theme. Watch for notes &/or the board for info on theme days. 17.) I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR BROKEN TOYS/CELLPHONES ~ So think twice before you send ANY type of electronics, ect! THANKS!! ALSO ~ There is a time and place for these things. If I'm trying to have a group activity, I expect ALL kids to participate which means cell phones & electronics are to be shut off and put away! 18.) Please DO NOT send any sort of food, candy, gum, donuts, snacks, ect with your child. For special treats PLEASE notify me first! I must follow state approved guidelines for meals and snacks and they are already planned out at least one week - month prior to serving them. 19.) Parents may possibly be asked to provide small addmission fees for occassional Field Trips 20.) DAYCARE DONATIONS: PRE-School age families are asked to take turns providing diaper wipe re-fills even if your child is potty trained ~ we use them for MUCH MORE than changing diapers. School age families are asked to take turnes providing kleenex. Scheduled donations are printed in News Letters & on the message board. 21.) PLUS ~ PARENTS WILL be expected to pay for &/or replace anything broken or damaged in my home and/or yard rather it belongs to me, my family or another Day Care Child, due to the negligence and/or misbehavior of your child.
If you have questions Just click this address to send us e-mail: Or give MoM a Call:
DaYCaRe # 309-587-8317
Depending on what time you pick your child up, I am not always free to talk at the end of the day.
My message center is located at the daycare door (dry errase board) in order to help me communicate better with you.
PLEASE check it each day for notes about your children, upcomming events, special day care THEME days and much more.
Suggestions and comments are welcome!
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MoM & Me DaYCaRe
-> Loated just outside of New Boston Less
than one mile from the Elementary School <-
Crawl on into the Best DaYCaRe Around
100 Years from now it will not matter what kind of house I lived in, what kind of car I drove or even what my bank account was..... BUT the world may be a better place because I made the difference in the life of a child! ><> ><> ><> ><> ><>
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Thanks to all my loyal clients who have stuck with me over
the years
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< Keep up with what's happening @ MoM & Me DaYCaRe on FACEBOOK!